Tankless water heater created a lot of options to use this product in a cost effective way. The design and overall product quality potentially serve customers to draw their attention on Tankless water heater. People support it and make their way like privileged with the use of this product. Before buying a product I did proper analysis through review and different sources. Without satisfactory understanding, it would not be possible to buy a product into some extent. Ecosmart ECO 18 Electric Tankless Water Heater made that understanding to find the right choice regarding my need.
The product detail, specification, and proper guideline of guaranteed services attract me to buy this product. The following key notes are here in which I have taken to get my exact choice.
- Durability
- Cost effective
- Upgraded specification
This Tankless water heater has a good configuration can work within 62 °F and above. The Eco 18 has the power to produce over 2.5 gallons per minute which can serve two showers those are not emitting 1.5 gpm each simultaneously. 150 amp electrical panels will be required for installation connecting awg wire.
This Tankless water heater is originated from the USA and recognizes the product quality.
Item model number:
The model number of this product is Eco 18. It is enough to find the Tankless water heater easily.
You need 240 volts to make it functional. It is required to ensure its quality production. With this volt, this product will be risk-free ensuring its sustainability.
Compact design:
The stylish compact type design made this Eco smart water heater attractive and created a brand image to the users. It becomes popular and takes small storage to set this product easily.
Though the size of this product differ based flow rate and the rise of temperature but this tankless water heater sized as 17 x 14 x 3.5 and it can serve at least two bathrooms simultaneously. Here you can an option to choose the size based in regarding your needs and particular preference.
This product is made with the dimension of 20 x 20 x 6.5 inches. It ensures its productivity with this particular dimension.
Endless Hot water production:
This tankless water heater has the capacity to produce endless hot water on need. People can be benefited to meet their demand. The ECO 18 is enough able to produce water for two sinks and two shows when it is warm weather and can produce for a shower and a sinks in the cold weather on the other hand. The satisfaction comes up to you by its capacity and quality production.
Digital technology:
Use of digital technology specified the Tankless water heater with great values. The digital temperature control helps you to set temperature from 80 ° F to 140° F by your choice. In this way, it is worthy to get water by specific choices.
Self Modulating Technology:
Self-modulating technology made it useful and cost effective. It activates energy consumption control that leads to getting a mitigated output through saving the energy.
Warranty Service:
Life time warranty service is guaranteed on electronics, exchanger, and elements. It covers only the cost but not the cost any technical damages.
This tankless water heater is certified by CSA international and UL. They are the best leading providers of product testing and certification services. They maintain the national and international standard which is required to prove product compliance with those marked standards. In this way, it claims as for quality product following the national and international standards.
- Outlook preference: People choose over the outlook of a product. It made them curious to know and use the good outlook product efficiently. The complete compact design makes it sure for gorgeous outlook. Now, it is enough to get your right choice product by its gorgeous and outstanding outlook. The design and size present it smartly in which customers would get full satisfaction to choose and decorate their house by this product effectively.
- Cost saving:
You can save up to 60% by this eco-smart tankless water heater
- Energy saving: The use of self-modulating technology ensures what energy actually need. It can save energy than the other water heater.
- Durability:
You have the trust for the durable product. Yes, no question will be raised on durability by the use of the best tankless water heater. The stainless still used to ensure the sustainability of the product.
- Space saving:
The compact design gives you a better option for saving the space. Wall mounted technology would be helpful to set on the wall easily. Up to 12 cubic feet of storage will be saved due the product design and size.
- Life time Warranty:
Ecosmart ECO 18 Electric Tankless Water Heater has the support to use with life time guarantee. The ensure lifetime warranty for residential use. No tension will be raised about the service warranty about the product. No questions will be raised about the reliability of the product, to be honest.
- Digital Controlling system:
The digital controlling system made it capable of using in accordance with your choice. You will have full control over the produced hot water undoubtedly. In this way, people will get satisfaction with the efficient marking on it tagging the controlling power over the hot water production.
The option the tank fewer water reviews support like privileged but not always the same to some extent. This best tankless water heater arranged many options with more facilities but is also have some cons that need to understand before buying the product. The warranty service is not enough sometimes if you have lost the warranty card. Besides, it can more time to find accessories if it is not available. In addition, the product service would be disrupted if you have no proper electricity profile which is required for its functions. Proper maintenance, check up and caring will be enough to tackle the problem as a whole.
- Question: How do I know which size will be the best for buying?
- Answer: Size specific production assurance will be provided in the buying guides. It will be easy to get your right choice based its size.
- Question: Would it be possible to supply two bathrooms, dish washer, clothes washer?
- Answer: Yes, it would be possible because it can produce 2.5 gallons per minute.
Ecosmart ECO 18 Electric Tankless Water Heater is one of the best tankless water heaters facilitate extra options, and has the technical and economic viability. It would be effective, efficient and add the special feature in daily life. The EcoSmart Eco 18 reviews reveal the user's satisfaction which made fascinated and used them getting the product with sound quality.
In this regard, This Ecosmart ECO 18 Electric Tankless Water Heater would be the best choice to get quality service in hot water production for daily usages. So let it know and get the quality product ensuring life time warranty. Take it and make sure you will never go out for hot water without this best Tankless water heater.